Hello, As suggested above, you need to delete and recreate the schedule after switching to version 1.7.0 If there are already created jobs on Sidekiq that have "date_as_argument = true"...
> Deleting and recreating did not work for me fyi. For now I had to add `*args` at the end to make it work as expected after the upgrade. If...
@ychaker 1. Has the "date_as_argument" flag been set before upgrade for any job? 2. How did you clear the schedule? 3. What version of Ruby? It would be helpful to...
> should I just add date_as_argument: false to the yml file for each of the cron jobs, would that solve the issue, is that the quickest and simplest solution? You...
> okay, but doesn't this mean that it's true by default? or is that just an example, and there's no default for that option? There are defaults for all options,...
Or regular expressions instead keywords?