Smelov Vladimir
Smelov Vladimir
@angusjoshi1 I don't know in which case someone may call `_approve(address(0), smth, smth)` I try use my fantasy to build up such case, but cannot for now
The same error with static image
Also note that all setSomething(...) methods which are called from inside the initializer are also 100% covered ``` Auction.setAuctionDuration - 100.0% Auction.setAuthorRoyaltyNumerator - 100.0% Auction.setFeeETHNumerator - 100.0% Auction.setFeeTokenNumerator - 100.0%...
It was gone after I remove `initializer` modifier, but it still looks like a bug
Also required to make a change in "tox.ini" ``` [testenv:lint] deps = black==22.1.0 flake8==3.9.1 isort==5.8.0 mypy==1.1.1.
Also I believe there should be a not to use python version below 3.10 because tox uses my last installed version "3.11" and I have this error ``` (venv) vladimirsmelov@Vladimirs-MacBook-Air...
Take a look on this verified smart on etherscan - it has both contracts IERC165.sol
I have the same issue ``` v@vpc:~/PycharmProjects/deploy-dex/uniswap-interface/how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_v2$ node deploy_uniswap_v2.js Adding Alice, Bob and Charlie keys ... Web3 is connected. accounts: ["0x754d88525100E08d044e3d5146CaE96C4384E9Ae","0xcbff263F7333092CD29102A6D58c1AA8C4dAF804","0x8D9E3Dd39239c0290a5d011E316CdBEa531Fc3A6"] Deploying Uniswap V2 now, please wait ... Deploying WETH...
This bug is still active? I cannot use immutable in my contracts if I want to check test coverage?
import pprint from langdetect import detect_langs langdetect_ranks = detect_langs("Hello") pprint.pprint(langdetect_ranks) # [no:0.6405345342314349, fi:0.3594654657685652]