Vladimir Sapronov
Vladimir Sapronov
@lkmfwe what are your thoughts regarding multidimensional arrays representation in JSON? How the should be represented in JSON? Currently I consider 2 options: 1. Flat array of items 2. Array...
Does `data` in your example depend on `discriminator`? You refer to some "value field" that is not in your example (I'm assuming you meant `data` field).
Hmmm, actually from the code it seems that we can safely lift this limitation for number of fields in the object.
Thank you I will let you know here in what release the change is available
Thank you for doing this! First thing to note: performance has never been priority for me while writing FSharp.Json. This does not mean I made it slow intentionally, I just...
Could you please check https://github.com/vsapronov/FSharp.Json#unformatted-json - is that what you want?
I haven't seen any PRs for `TimeSpan` support. I would be glad to consider and merge it @AntyaDev.
@AntyaDev I have checked your fork quickly. Is my understanding right that the required changes are mostly in files from FSharp.Data for `TimeSpan` support?
@dsyme, @tnishimura and @johnazariah don't worry I will add fsprojects to nuget. Sorry it takes me long time. Multitasking here...