Vanya Rybkin
Vanya Rybkin
Hi Kent, Just so you know, I think upgrading to 1.0.2 made this hack stop working, and the default behavior seems to still not be having the legend turned on....
Thank you for your replies, @timelyportfolio and @cjyetman! Your proposed change does work on render. However, suppose that I have my sunburst plot attached to a data set dependent on...
Thanks, @cjyetman - this works like a charm!
I have resolved this issue using add_shiny, works well! My only thought would be that it would be nice to be able to click on one of the slices and...
Thanks for your reply, @timelyportfolio, that makes sense. For what it's worth, as a user I would not expect for control+click and shift+click to do anything, and just the clicking...