Evgeny Vrublevsky

Results 5 issues of Evgeny Vrublevsky

There is a 2x button in the PPU Viewer. When you press it twice (so the window becomes twice bigger and should return back to normal state), the window cuts...

[NSFe specification](https://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/NSFe) was updated to support additional useful features. I'd like to use the new [regn section](https://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/NSFe#regn) to specify that a specific NSFe file should be played in Dendy mode....

feature request

Arithmetic coding is a part of the JPEG standard. Initially, it wasn't implemented by encoders and decoders due patents. But now there is no such limitation, all patents are expired...

I wanted to turn off this setting: > Tools → Options → Smart Commandline Arguments → General → Enable version control support But seems like there is no such setting:...

Visual Studio supports .editorconfig file. It allows to setup all the settings which your extension provides, but in a bit more flexible way (you can set different options for different...