
Results 9 comments of vroommm

Thanks @ianhorn , I think I can work with that just enough to get me out of a hole. :-) @sujaygarlanka Thank you. Just so I understand, do I take...

@ianhorn The file I was looking at is under `...\@boxcli\client\src\commands\search.js` not . `@boxcli\client\src\commands\users\search.js`. I've made the change you suggested and it WORKS!!! (but you knew that!) ```box search 97* --file-extensions=pdf...

@ianhorn Haven't tried anything fancy with limit stuff yet. I will if/when I get a moment. I'm resisting the urge for one more compile and moving on...

@ianhorn The one thing I was trying to do, with moderate success, was to batch the files by date range... I was using a bulk import input file like this......

@ianhorn @sujaygarlanka I managed to get the limit to work as a simple command parameter so you can use it like this to get the first 250 results say: -...

@sujaygarlanka @ianhorn Thirty seconds after I posted the above I fully answered my own questions with ```javascript //... stuff before if (flags.offset){ options.offset = flags.offset; } //... really you're omitting...

@sujaygarlanka @ianhorn minor note: when `--offset` is non-zero `--limit` must be an integer divider so the following are allowed: - `--limit=1 --offset=99` the 100th record - `--limit=10 --offset=0` 10 records...

@sujaygarlanka > Are there any specific feature requests for the search command. It seems like the two are the ability update the results limit and the ability to pass in...

> Are there any specific feature requests for the search command. It seems like the two are the ability update the results limit and the ability to pass in limit...