Hum, I am quite confused by the automatics tests. They fail during the npm install, right?
Any feedback, please?
No problem, I didn't want to be that pushing. I am very impressed by your job guys, I just want to help. Cheers!
Hello axic ! commit : c5d4746befd149e8d4169ac6b628e3eefab78547 - add toSolidityBytes32 => add the function toSolidityBytes32() which mime the casting from many types (bytes*, bool, address, int*, uint*) to bytes32. Usefull to...
> I'd prefer to have the two changes separate and lets tackle the support for array first here. Sure, I can make two different PR. > I think instead of...
Yes, I actually already use this code in a project. Solidity code : https://github.com/RequestNetwork/Request_SmartContracts/blob/master/contracts/synchrone/RequestEthereum.sol line 540 (see function `getRequestHash()` with a bytes[9] in parameters) JS code : https://github.com/RequestNetwork/Request_SmartContracts/blob/master/test/synchrone/ethereum/requestEthereumBroadcastSignedRequestAsPayer.js line 49...
Hi, Anything I can do to make it happens?
Guys, I added a commit to allow array with a dynamic size