
Results 3 issues of Vítor

The main achievement of this work goes to the `file_match_to_objs` function creation. The function is called through the **-O** option and outputs a json file, example: ### JSON Returns **python...

Upon installation, ```sh pip install tika ``` When attempting: ```python In [21]: import tika ...: tika.initVM() ...: from tika import parser In [22]: parsed = parser.from_file(file_path) ``` I get ```sh...

Hi @tomasonjo , thank you very much for sharing this very informative material. On [this](https://github.com/tomasonjo/blogs/blob/master/llm/openaifunction_constructing_graph.ipynb) notebook, how could I change ```python llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", temperature=0) ``` to ```python from langchain.llms...