Vreixo González Caneda
Vreixo González Caneda
Now they are only used in this case and when the user presses virtual keyboard action key (the one that said NEXT/GO! now) offering him the results again. Might be...
Android Geocoder results are completely organized by fields and also MapQuest can be with the parameter addressDetails, for example http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/search?format=xml&q=Maria%20Pita&addressdetails=1. The only provider which is not organized by fields afaik...
I have found that in actual master, in 4.1.2, when a server is offline, there is a problem with the message. Instead of displaying: `Offline: Not` it says `Offline: Cancel`....
Buttons are painted in gray instead of white (except text boxes) and is not possible to rotate the map, gesture does not work.
I always thought that the trip planning being stop on rotation change, although won't be a very commons scenario as trip planning should be fast, is not the best practice....
I have seen that pressing on a contact address in the contacts app that is present in my device an intent to go to that direction is sent (I think...
When planning a trip with the phone in landscape mode auto zoom to show planned trip is too high so trip does not fit the screen.
If the screen is too small and the date and time spinners don't fit entirely in the screen is very difficult to move them (only good solution is to press...