
Results 13 comments of vrano

Hi, Aj12384. Did you mean this? ```python for i in range(37): print(hrcalc.calc_hr_and_spo2(ir[25*i:25*i+100], red[25*i:25*i+100])) ``` If so, the code is for getting HR/SpO2 by sliding 1 samples at an iteration. For...

You cannot see the output of `hrcalc.calc_hr_and_spo2()` in your environment, right? Then, what happens if you use a variable, such as: `output_value = hrcalc.calc_hr_and_spo2(ir[:100], red[:100])` and print that value: `print(output_value)`.

Okay, please tell me what you did and what you got in detail. Paste your code or screenshot.

Actually, `read_sequential` does read values (to the amount given as argument), but it does not run continuously (the method name may be confusing, sorry). If we want to read continuously,...

Hi, batulaiko. In my `max30102.py` sample rate is set at line 110. ```python # 0b 0010 0111 # SPO2_ADC range = 4096nA, SPO2 sample rate = 100Hz, LED pulse-width =...

Hi, batulaiko. Initialization of the sensor is written here: ```python class MAX30102(): # by default, this assumes that physical pin 7 (GPIO 4) is used as interrupt # by default,...

FYI: I updated `max30102.py` to show hex address (commit 8a80db7).

Your code looks good. Can you see red light from the sensor? Working sensor should emit red light (and IR light, which we cannot see). If yes, I cannot figure...

Hi. I think it does not work with MAX30100. Searching on github showed this: https://github.com/mfitzp/max30100 How about trying this one? I hope you successfully make your sensor work.

You successfully made the sensor turn on. That's good. 👍 There can be many reasons for that. Finger placement is most likely. Your finger should be steady on the sensor....