use environment variable to specify .env file direcotry. ```golang package configs func LoadEnv() { envRoot := os.Getenv("ENV_ROOT") if "" == envRoot { envRoot = "./" } env := os.Getenv("ENV") if...
i have same issue. how do you check the wallet is connected or not? @cryptod00c
the state is persisted in localStorage?
@cryptod00c ok, thanks. i take a look at [implementation of MetaMask connector](https://github.com/NoahZinsmeister/web3-react/blob/50e1db8b016723c5e691635878de976181e76032/packages/metamask/src/index.ts#L107). ```js public async connectEagerly(): Promise { const cancelActivation = this.actions.startActivation() await this.isomorphicInitialize() if (!this.provider) return cancelActivation() return Promise.all([...
Hi, everyone. i have a workaround, i set a timeout in activating stage. In dev mode, activating stage is not stuck, the problem just present in production mode, and i...
i need it. @ligi
my log filter. ```golang func (job *ScanJob) CreateFilterQuery(fromBlock, toBlock uint64) ethereum.FilterQuery { return ethereum.FilterQuery{ FromBlock: big.NewInt(int64(fromBlock)), ToBlock: big.NewInt(int64(toBlock)), Topics: [][]common.Hash{ { common.HexToHash(chain.TopicTransfer), common.HexToHash(chain.TopicTransferSingle), common.HexToHash(chain.TopicTransferBatch), }, }, } } ``` read...