Vinicius Piedade de Souza
Vinicius Piedade de Souza
So, i need to solve this issue too. For Android, other events else touch start or move not fringed.
it's strange... draggable views can listen to longpress events... but when i make a simple click, it does a longpress and a start was throwed too. i think there's a...
on your child itens, add this attribute: touchEnabled:false It works for me (a view with 2 childs: 1 image and 1 label)
Same here, any update on blueprint doesn't update anything on nspanel. Looking through the logs I see the blueprint pending. ESPHome: Version: 4.2.4 TFT: 4.2.4 Blueprint: Pending The same occurs...
Is there a way to do a revert for an early working version?
> What about Home Assistant logs (Settings > System > Logs), can you see anything related there? Sure! `Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.nsp_sala Source: helpers/ Integration: Automation (documentation, issues) First occurred: February 5,...