latest version you mean tag *lynckia/licode:latest* or *lynckia/licode:staging* or *lynckia/licode:pre-v7.11*? tag latest is not updated, it uses 2-years-old sources. In my case http is working on firefox for pre-v7.9 but...
Our tests shows that it start to happen after this commit: https://github.com/lynckia/licode/commit/da4c767948c02b13fd7dd8f52f060c00691b6108
I did mistake. Commit which caused this bug is: https://github.com/lynckia/licode/commit/279d4d8ad451ffe6a5e11aea81894ce2858d950b
Thanks for quick answer. I see ACK messages - it is OK. But I meant messages "**431[]**", "**432[]**", ... Are they also a part of ACK messages ? Should clients...
We also see such problem. We can reproduce it when 2 participants are entering the room simultaneously.
@ashar02 did you try to test without nICEr ? It was switched ON by default in #1455. So, if you use #1489, you can switch back to libnice and test....
I deployed basic example and open it in 1 tab (just 1 publish) Connection takes about 5 sec. Here is a log: ```2020-04-17 17:18:31.602 - INFO: ErizoController - message: socket...
I did additional tests and those my results: 1. When I do first publish in the room, it takes ~5 sec between messages `[publish....` and `[23423423423423443, ...` But when I...
A bit more information: When I use single ErizoJS (`config.erizoAgent.maxProcesses = 1;`) First publish in room takes ~5 sec, All next less 2 sec When I use multiple ErizoJS (`config.erizoAgent.maxProcesses...
hi @DrZoidberg09! I have the same problem. Did you configure it? Or maybe have some other ideas?