Michael James (Kodhe)
Michael James (Kodhe)
But why ffmpeg with libfdk_aac can produce AAC ADTS files, without the padding? On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 8:04 PM nu774 wrote: > For gapless playback, iTunSMPB tag stored...
Still waiting this feature. I use mega-cmd. I need .megaignore file or something similar
February 2019 and still have this issue. Any solution?
Why not simply use ZFS on RAW file. ```bash truncate -s160G /root/disk.img zpool create disk0 /root/disk.img ````
message: "fixes.FixesGetCursorImage is not a function" the problem is that I don't see that method in ext/fixes extension. Any other way for implementing get the cursor image data?
Also on gnu/linux ubuntu 18.04
I mean, the correct term is not Linux, is GNU/Linux. But yeah, please make a version for GNU/Linux, not everyone uses Windows
> JS doesn't allow you to cancel a promise so we can't really kill it after disconnect. You can reject the promises. Promises never rejected or resolved are a really...
Sorry for my ignorance, do you have an example? or any link to docs explaining that? Because I don't see any method iterDownload or similar on TelegramClient neither Telegram.client.downloads, etc.