also exactly the same here, on PIE, omnirom. But the really nasty thing is that senders on their side DO HAVE THE DELIVERY REPORT ! Be aware of this !...
Wow that would be awesome ! That's the only reason I couldn't use QKSMS till now. I sadly can't test it for now :/ I really need to be confident...
The thing is that I remember it was sometimes long to replicate this bug. Sometimes I could receive SMS correctly during days, and randomly, the bug was reappearing for 2...
The issue is still here on Android Q (GSI) on Oneplus 6. Default SMS app (AOSP) is enabled and QKSMS is set as default SMS app. I sent to myself...
I don't think so, since they are not even written in the main SMS database (switching back to the default SMS app doesn't make them reappear) :/