Results 22 comments of Vladimir

At first you need to add price book. This price book should have relations for some products.

@JEEVAN28 this is good question.

@apcloic could you put code to code formatting?

@apcloic this is looks cool. Thanks

@apcloic I can't implement this. No experience....

@apcloic wow. This works ``` > App\Installer\Composer::install ================================================== Cleaned files: 16 -------------------------------------------------- Copy to public_html: yetiforce/csrf-magic[move]: 0 maximebf/debugbar[move]: 0 yetiforce/yetiforcepdf/lib/Fonts[copy]: 0 ckeditor/ckeditor[move]: 0 -------------------------------------------------- Copy custom directories: public_html/libraries/ckeditor-image-to-base >>> public_html/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/ckeditor-image-to-base...

@apcloic yes. This works. Now pdf size 6 times smaller. Do you have ideas how to roll back chandes if something going wrong?

Task of topicstarter can be done by selfwritten crontask but as Marius said there could be system performance problem because big amounnt of records

Look in community for Trebute.js bug. Maybe this is solution