Vladimir Boyko
Vladimir Boyko
Hello. I create new flutter project (flutter 2.10) and add only background_location packege, after that i try to start my app. I get this errors: `e: /Volumes/apacer/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/background_location-0.8.1/android/src/main/kotlin/com/almoullim/background_location/LocationUpdatesService.kt: (111, 17): 'onLocationResult'...
Hello. How can i translate ValidationMessage if i can use my StringLocalizer or standart StringLocalizer ?
Hi. I tryed use tiny mce, after press button Insert - display error TypeError: filemanagertiny.getSettings(...) is undefined
Hello. I try to use google auth with your library. After config by your readme and click to login button by google i can seed google window with my account....