Vojtěch Strnad
Vojtěch Strnad
Version 1.7.0 on Windows 10. My CPU fan suddenly started running on full speed so I checked Task Manager and saw Bisq consuming >90% of CPU power, a few seconds...
Yes, the error message appears exactly the same.
@shaavan The section "Problems of P2PK" seems completely wrong to me: 1. P2TR also directly exposes a public key in its output, and all other output types expose it at...
@shaavan 1. Putting bare public keys into the output doesn't make things materially worse if ECDSA/ECDLP gets broken. This was agreed on when designing Taproot, which is why P2TR outputs...
Concept ACK As someone quite familiar with Bitcoin's consensus rules but largely unfamiliar with Bitcoin Core's internals, I had no idea until recently that the version was stored as a...
Since DrahtBot is incessantly pinging me for review, here it is: ACK 4a45b28a3f258bf156eca980aace69e0a90554cd I reviewed the code with my somewhat limited knowledge of C++ and didn't find any problems. I...
re-ACK cc0d6bd73e67abde657cb8fb38c0e18de316d337
To be honest, I think the (consensus-critical) specification section should be as short as possible, as long as it's unambiguous, which seems to be the case here. There's even a...
Concept ACK for BIP assignment. While this proposal is controversial, not useful to most users, and argued by some to be outright malicious, these were never reasons to reject a...
@Semisol That's a requirement for moving a BIP to Final status, not for BIP assignment.