Niki Hansche
Niki Hansche
I proposed a similar change in #28, but we seem to be the minority.
No need to apologize @markuspfeiffer . But I’d really like to see this resolved, one way or another. @vsigler ’s solution has it’s merits too.
I’d prefer an table-annotation, because I’d like to create compound indexes.
I think this is a bug in Line 77 executes migrations after a new database is created. I feel migrations shouldn’t run if the database is brand new.
Did you have a look at [REST.Authenticator.OAuth.TOAuth1Authenticator]( It might be a good start.
This might do the trick since Python 3.6: ```python wiki_link_regex = r"(?ms:```.*?```)|\[\[(.*?)\]\]" for match in re.finditer(wiki_link_regex, text): if not continue ```
I have been using Coxswain on Android 13 for quite a while now and have no problems. Can you elaborate on your problems, e.g. give an actual error text?
I have a standard Pixel 7 and Playstore says "Diese App ist für alle deine Geräte verfügbar". Do you try with the right app? There is another Coxswain by "Cox...