
Results 9 issues of volviq

In environments with legacy code, there can be many python scripts of quite bad quality. If the git hook expects a quality e.g. of 8.0, the motivation to fix a...

When running ``` ./jenkins-to-graphite.py --graphite-server=graphite-ip --jenkins-url=https://jenkins-url:9443 --jenkins-user=myuser --jenkins-password=mypassword ``` I get the following error: ``` WARNING:root:Unable to get jenkins response for url computer/api/json: Invalid header value 'Basic c2JyYW5kbmVyOk0wcjFzY2huLA==\n' ``` I...

Auf einer Wbsite würde es Sinn machen, alte Versionen in einem Archiv Ordner zu kopieren, bevor eine neue Version erstellt wir. In git ist die Hauptdate jedoch schon das Archiv,...

Ist es möglich den Impfstatus der Hospitalisierten mit abzubilden? Wichtige Kategorien: * ungeimpft, bzw unvollständig * Voll geimpft (inkl. ausreichende Zeit für Immunaufbau) Die Daten dazu scheinen ihrem Institut vorzuliegen:...

The documentation in bitbucket.rst shows the function: bitbucket.repo_list(project_key, limit=25) It does not describe to handle the output of the function. If I run that command and assign the output to...


would it be possible to add a mode, which prevents a commit instead of changing the code? Sometimes legacy code is not according the standard, and a review becomes rather...

or are you working on it internally

I'm trying to fetch the LFS files with: `python -m git_lfs -vv` but then I get: ``` Fetching URLs from https://git.example.loc/~username/repo_git_lfs.git/info/lfs... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 162,...

I can successfully connect via https://github.com/wlcrs/huawei_solar and HomeAssistants with the PV inverter. I tried a similar connection with pyModbusTCP and the inverter just does not respond. Comparing the packages with...