_Winium.Desktop.Driver\Winium.Desktop-1.6.0\src\Winium.Desktop.Driver\Input\KeyboardModifiers.cs_ > internal class KeyboardModifiers : List { #region Static Fields private static readonly List Modifiers = new List { Keys.Control, Keys.LeftControl, Keys.Shift, Keys.LeftShift, Keys.Alt, Keys.ArrowDown, Keys.ArrowUp, Keys.PageDown, Keys.PageUp, Keys.LeftAlt...
Hi @mickyJNST Could you explain more about your request? Do you mean to create a new test run with test cases that contain specified refs from option `--tr-testrun-refs`?
As a workaround, you can create necessary test run directly and then run pytest with option `--tr-run-id XXXXX`
> > As a workaround, you can create necessary test run directly and then run pytest with option `--tr-run-id XXXXX` > > Yeah - tried this but ran into other...
@mickyJNST Could you explain more about your request? Do you mean to create a new test run with test cases that contain specified refs from option --tr-testrun-refs?
@mickyJNST FYI. The plugin does not use information about testrun_id from the config file `run_id=config.getoption('--tr-run-id')` only from run command but it's easy to fix I will do a PR for...
pytest_collection_modifyitems have workeroutput, but I not see in them in hook pytest_xdist_node_collection_finished
> Xdist only sends the nodes to the coordinator after modifyitems > > Would the collection Reports come in handy could you explain more about what report you mean?
I need a list of testrail cases that was generated when pytest_collection_modifyitems was executed. After that I need to get this information from all nodes. and create a test run...
@nicoddemus The question is not about writing a handler, but how to get the data after running the hook pytest_collection_modifyitems on each node to the master and execute something on...