Volodymyr Prokopyuk

Results 5 issues of Volodymyr Prokopyuk

Hi, The blow code ```nim let doc = "*Italic* **bold** normal" echo markdown(doc, root = Paragraph()) echo markdown(doc, root = Inline()) ``` gives the following output ```html Italic bold normal...

## Context - Manjaro Linux OS - Node.js v18.2.0 - nodejs-polars v0.5.4 ## Bug: Each time different arbitrary assignment of data to columns Given the code ```js const df =...


Hi, I'm using the [Nimja](https://github.com/enthus1ast/nimja) Nim template engine with the `jinja2` `web-mode-engine` configured for the `.nwt` (Nim web template) file extension as follows ```elisp (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.nwt\\'" . web-mode)) (setq...

feature request

I've asked the question https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68351340/gt-table-suppress-inclusion-of-the-default-gt-css-into-the-generated-html-both at StackOverflow, but it seems that there is no answer, as the requested feature is not yet implemented. I replicate the question from StackOverflow here...

Difficulty: [2] Intermediate
Effort: [2] Medium
Priority: [3] High
Type: ★ Enhancement
Focus: HTML Output

## General information - Terminal program: wezterm 20230326-111934-3666303c - Operating system: Manjaro Linux 6.1.25-1 - ZSH framework: zinit v3.10.0-15-g6d84f999 (linux-gnu_x86_64) - ZSH version: zsh 5.9 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) - ZVM version: 0.9.0...
