Volodymyr Hordiienko
Volodymyr Hordiienko
Execute the command and paste the result below. Command: `uname -a && php -v && composer info | grep hyperf && php --ri swoole` ```bash Darwin MBP-Vladimir 21.2.0 Darwin Kernel...
I want to use Redis subscribe function in my project, however i realized Hyperf using default \Redis class for connection and it this realizations subscribe complettely blocking current coroutine, if...
Could you help me with testing question, please? What is right way to run tests under test database connection? How can i change default conncetion from default to test? In...
Hi everyone! There is issue with async PGSQL PDO driver \Hyperf\Database\PgSQL\DBAL\PostgresDriver, its using for both \Hyperf\Database\PgSQL\PostgreSqlConnection and \Hyperf\Database\PgSQL\PostgreSqlSwooleExtConnection as Doctrine driver but allows only \Swoole\Coroutine\PostgreSQL connections. Should allow PDO version...
Sometimes get this error message, could you help with understanding what can cause this issue? Thanks PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Swoole\Error: Socket#41 has already been bound to another coroutine#7, reading...
i just want to reopen issue https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/issues/6886, because i have this issue also and cant fix it on Swoole 5.1.3, could you help me with this please? Looks like PHP...
After update from swoole 5.1.3 to swoole 5.1.4 server starts to randomly respond 503 status and after heavy load starts to respond 503 everytime even there is all good with...