XCSoar versions having and not having the problem ------------------------------------------------- XCSoar main branch Expected behavior ----------------- I wanted to do a docker build for android and followed the documentation in https://github.com/XCSoar/XCSoar/tree/master/ide/docker...
XCSoar version -------------- XCSoar main branch What should XCSoar do differently, what functionality should be added? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The waypoint list dialog (and others) require modal dialogs to enter text. It...
XCSoar version -------------- XCSoar main branch What should XCSoar do differently, what functionality should be added? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Even when following the developer manual 7.0 and reading in the forums I...
Changing the OCTO_USER in manifest led to build issues: 1. Build failed due to missing directories. 2. Setting up webcamd didn't work because the refered tag in github didn't support...
In octocitrico.sh the line OCTOPI_TAG="0.18.0" refers to https://github.com/guysoft/OctoPi/tree/devel/src/modules/octopi/filesystem/home/root/bin In devel Branch of this repo there are new changes to install mjpeg-streamer w/o user names. These changes are not in octocitrico....
Hi, I am building an image for opizero. I'd like to use the additional USB hosts. So, I need to add overlays usbhost1 and usbhost2. Usually this happens in extra.sh...
According to this document https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/wpa_supplicant#Connections_to_pure_WPA3-SAE_access_points chapter 6.6 and 6.7 armbian-config needs to configure wpasupplicant.conf differently than in 22.04 bullseye. For pure WPA3 ssid="network SSID" key_mgmt=SAE sae_password="the.literal.wifi.password" ieee80211w=2 For mixed WPA2/WPA3...
When you execute ModbusRTU.open/ModbusRTU.close multiple times, it will work only for the first open call. The second open call will fail with "Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port". You...
If you implement getMultipleHoldingRegisters for ServerTCP with promise, it'll throw an exception(Modbus exception 4: Slave device failure), when used. **Workaround:** Use callback implementation ``` const vector: IServiceVector = { ......
Hi, I am working on a test case to evaluate the heat-capacitor strategy. It uses the temperature data of my own heat pump. The idea behind it: I'd like to...