Volker Krey
Volker Krey
@aaronliuqy the additional information that should be transferred to the MACRO documentation as part of MESSAGEix is still part of the earlier 2017 release of the [MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM documentation](https://docs.messageix.org/projects/global/en/latest/annex/macro.html). We are...
This is known behavior that also occurred in MESSAGE V-MACRO. The automated process to adjust the convergence criterion that was introduced in MESSAGEix-MACRO seems to have difficulties to deal with...
The issue related to the historical vintage `690` of `coal_ppl` seems to be a result of the missing `technical_lifetime` parameter of that vintage in the Westeros tutorial (see #609). The...
@GamzeUnlu95, the issue was the use of the set `year2` which only covers years as of the first model year. Replacing it by `year_all2` does the job, I believe.
@danielhuppmann, as discussed in our meeting, would you be able to add a couple of paragraphs to describe the current behavior of MESSAGEix to the documentation. In my view this...
As part of teaching at NTNU during the week of October 21st, I also tried the reticulate-based Austria tutorial (https://github.com/iiasa/message_ix/blob/master/tutorial/Austrian_energy_system/austria_reticulate.ipynb) which worked without problems for me, including the solve statement....
The original GAMS coming with `message_ix` does not include any mixed integer program (MIP) model specification. If you modified the GAMS code and added a MIP version of `message_ix`, it...
Here is more complete code that in principle does all that is needed from my perspective, but as I am not fluent in Python there are probably better ways of...
As an additional consideration, storing the `.log`, `.lst` and possibly the `GDX` data and output files of selected scenarios (e.g., published scenarios) in the database for improved documentation and reproducibility...
I concur that this can be separated into two issues with the log/lst file storage being much easier to deal with. The idea of storing files as part of the...