How soon can the next release be expected?
Sure, I will.
It works :) Thanks! But the download link in the web page is broken. It points to missing version 0.3.3 installer: https://github.com/Gearlux/GDeskTunes/releases/download/v0.3.3/GDeskTunesInstaller.exe I had to modify the url to 0.3.5...
By the way the media key works only if application is in focus. Would be nice to get it working when in background (which is most of the time)
I don't think there any Microsoft software redirecting or changing meaning of key, Spotify for example captures keys when in background. In "Microsoft Mouse on Keyboard Center" application I can...
I didn't have time try compiling the application. I could do in the weekend. However, if you have test build I can test it out. On 29 January 2015 at...
Unfortunately, the media key doesn't work when app in background. On 29 January 2015 at 22:39, Gearlux [email protected] wrote: > Try installing > https://mega.co.nz/#!OdlEibZS!7K9z7SlVKziKeyDoXnjEu59-ljMgh0SEWbDf4HRf3KE > > — > Reply to...
Will do in the evening. On 30 January 2015 at 09:13, Gearlux [email protected] wrote: > :-( > I am getting more puzzled about the implementation of media keys in >...
For both of the last two mega links I get "The file you are trying to download is no longer available". I don't think anything else hijack the keys since...
Doesn't work. Tried the checkbox three times. First it didn't seem to have an effect (there was no pop-up). I restarted the app, the checkbox in the preferences was untoggled....