I didn't found any other stats **but** I have found an svg version of the app ("Zelio Soft 2" software) logo. ### The icon Source: [Schneider Electric `pdf`](https://download.schneider-electric.com/files?p_Doc_Ref=DIA3ED2111202EN&p_enDocType=Catalog&p_File_Name=Catalog+Zelio+Logic+Smart+relays+for+simple+automation+systems+from+10+to+40+IOs_English_January+2022.pdf) page 16...
I know, for sure, that most of french students in electricity and automation have already used this application. And I have found a stats that we can be based on:...
There is absolutely **no** PLC (aka. Ladder) editor. But here is anyway Google Trends [global stats](https://trends.google.fr/trends/explore?q=Siemens%20PLC,Allen%20Bradley%20PLC,Mitsubishi%20PLC,Omron%20PLC,ABB%20PLC&hl=en) (aka. brand editors). And [Schneider's stats](https://trends.google.fr/trends/explore?q=TwidoSuite,EcoStruxure,Zelio%20Soft,ProWORX%2032,Modicon%20M168&hl=en) (they have multiple softwares - EcoStruxure is way...
@adamrusted đź‘€
I think that it is THE biggest software to learn Ladder & Graphcet laguages : two programation languages that are well-used in industries. But, compared to C, it there are...
Le lien fonctionne actuellement đź‘€
Bonne idée, je pense que ce sera effectué
L'image a été placée au mauvais endroit (_Relier son compte_ au lieu de _connexions disponibles_)... De plus, si une modification est apporté, il est préférable que la page corrèle avec....