Lars Moelleken
Lars Moelleken
My problem seems to be the missing u-modifier. 😊 So a hint for this is maybe a good idea? Question: In the Yii string class ( I saw that they...
Today I replaced some "[A-Z]" regex stuff with "\p{Lu}" (, so that I can process unicode chars, maybe hints like that are also helpfully?
@samdark ```\s``` contains also e.g. ```\t``` but ```\p{Z}``` did not.
@leigh-ols I added the feature in this fork, maybe you can take a look here:
@edmundluong88 hi, maybe you can compare your fork with this fork ... here I optimized the performance and merged all logic into "Portable UTF-8".
@danielstjules If you want to pull changes from e.g. voku/Stringy then I can help to clean-up my personal stuff from the fork (e.g. anti-xss). :) So I can also help...
@danielstjules Do you have any plans for this repository?
It's faster then regex but we are even faster, when we use a simple "str_replace()" :slightly_smiling_face: -> see e.g.
You can now also test the Transliterator class, change "ASCII::to_transliterate" in the code and use the strict parameter. :)
I see this error, with "Windows 10" + "git bash" + "PHP 7.0.21" (with Xdebug v2.5.5) > Humbug running test suite to generate logs and code coverage data... > >...