Void Main
Void Main
Umm, not for now. :( Would you like to help porting it to iOS? It should be easy.
@sidan5 I've changed to MIT. So, go wild and have fun. :)
running into the same issue could we have any temp fixes now?
payload body 翻译成 负载体 如何还是就叫 载体? 还是有别的翻译?
@abbshr 这个有出处么?
@abbshr 这个观点我认同。容我重新发个pr。
@abbshr done.
URI scheme如何翻译?翻译成URI协议? "http", "https"这样的URI scheme => "http协议"与"https协议"
@abbshr 他这个说的应该就是protocol这个部分,因为特指的就是http与https~ 原文是: ``` HTTP/2 uses the same "http" and "https" URI schemes used by HTTP/1.1. HTTP/2 shares the same default port numbers: 80 for "http" URIs and 443 for...
校对 5. Streams and Multiplexing