Can it be done so instead of double clicking, there could be an option in the right click context menu? I am too lazy to find the shift key and...
**Describe the bug** When we inherit from `qx.ui.window.Window` and refine the property `centerOnAppear` like this ```javascript properties: { centerOnAppear: { refine: true, init: true } }, ``` and then open...
I followed the instalation instructions and I got this error ``` $ mix phoenix.server [info] Application sentry exited: exited in: Sentry.start(:normal, []) ** (EXIT) an exception was raised: ** (RuntimeError)...
I have included terminator in my `mix.exs` ```elixir {:terminator, "~> 0.5"}, ``` When I do ```console $ mix terminator.setup ** (Mix) Could not find migrations directory "deps/terminator/priv/repo/migrations" for repo Terminator.Repo....
I tried adding a new environment entry in `compile.json` while the qx serve command was running. The file was saved without beeing syntactically correct. I got this exception ```console Writing...