Vinícius Morais Silva
Vinícius Morais Silva
I add the partition configuration in my class: @architect.install('partition', type='range', subtype='integer', constraint='100', column='id') class Article(ArticleGeneric, ConfidenceScoreModel, EditableModel, HitTrackedModel, HotnessScoreModel, VotableModel): I export the path: `$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=prisvo.settings` But when i...
In my code i have this follow code: ```python def make_thumbs(self, obj, file, *args): img = originalThumbStr = StringIO.StringIO() img.convert('RGBA').save(originalThumbStr, 'webp', quality=75) self.img_file = InMemoryUploadedFile(originalThumbStr, None, hash_str('image') + '.webp',...