Results 17 comments of Frederic MARTIN

This feature would be awesome! 👍

What we're using on our side: ```yaml # BEGIN Necessary to create all infra modules for cfn modules feature - action: - kms:* resource: - '*' effect: Allow - action:...

Indeed, as explained here > As instructed by the VMware KB2003322 you may need to open the VMware ESXi™ firewall to let the syslog traffic pass through.

When you say crashing, is it the guest OS who crashed (kernel panic), or the services that doesn't respond anymore ? Can you reproduce the problem by creating a snapshot...

If you want to exclude the appliance from your backup jobs, you should add it to your exclusion list on your backup software. If you didn't have access to the...

Root partition (/) and SexiLog partition (/sexilog) are already on 2 separate drives. /sexilog is on a dedicated 50GB drive by default. Could you paste `df -h` results?

It seems you have free space on all partition. When you say you have only 24h old data, does it increase with time (I mean, have you got more than...

OK, your cluster seems OK, indice have 35+ million documents (aka ESX log), so it seems everything is fine.

What were the exact operations you did when you said: > After root(/) was full I moved /sexilog to another disk You may need to deploy a new appliance from...

Redeploying a new appliance from scratch with the same name and IP will take 10 minutes max although understanding exactly what has been done on your appliance in order to...