Vladimir Makreski
Vladimir Makreski
Do someone made some tests of jquery 3 ? I found some ajax browser interactions problem in android devices so if i can change jquery and jquery-ui then I can...
Look at this [https://storm.canonical.com/Tutorial](https://storm.canonical.com/Tutorial) main points: 1. you create database from one class like file (can be xml also, and modify this file not database) look at this tutorial [http://propelorm.org/documentation/02-buildtime.html](http://propelorm.org/documentation/02-buildtime.html)...
@lackovic10 why you think this? this is from propel orm: ``` ``` Nothing new or special here , everything is same as SQL. Xml structure to generate sql for different...
why not everything from configuration.inc.php all default config parameters we put in front of prepend.inc.php and make another simple config file with only most needed parameters. With this we can...
Yes session management is missing as i saw only QApplication::Session_override but i am not sure how it works. Also for authentication I think we need authentication class like QApplication:authenticate (static)...
I found column name was problem but from error i can't see where is problem. Error is "Table does not exist or no primary key " , table exist and...
Yes "Table does not exist or does not have a defined Primary Key" As I said before problem was with column names contains special characters as a dot (i didn't...