Vincent Mahe
Vincent Mahe
Hello, I am trying to instantiate K3S clusters using the built-in vsphere connector of Rancher, using Terraform. Here is my code: ``` terraform { required_version = ">= 1.1.0" required_providers {...
When setting [`vsphere_folder` input parameter]( it always adds a prefix of the root absolute path even if you provide an absolute path. For example, in my case, when I set...
The doc of [`rancher2_machine_config_v2` Resource]( says that `clone_from` can only be used when parameter `creation_type` parameter is set to `vm`. But it also works when `creation_type` is set to `template`....
I have noticed that some Windows EOL chars are present in many files. You can see it by using for example `cat -v src/main/functions/diameter.xml` that displays strange chars at the...
### Describe your problem I am using ragflow Docker image `infiniflow/ragflow:v0.16.0` running locally in Docker on a MacOS. I launched it with file `docker/docker-compose-macos.yml` I created an agent from the...
### Describe your problem In my agent graph, I have an Invoke component that outputs a JSON array like this: ```json { "results": [ { "type": "techdocs", "document": { "kind":...