Vijay Mahatma
Vijay Mahatma
Here are the corresponding bootstrap images with my P070+29 run without NVSS (left) and that from the P067+29 with NVSS in /beegfs/car/mjh/P067+29/ (right), centred on 3C 123.
It looks like this (my one on the left), so I guess the error doesn't originate from the flux corrections
Is this an external model or that from ? The latter looks sensible to me
There are a few things I want to try so will keep this open until they're resolved
Ah yes, this came about due to some improvements in the long baseline imaging with that fix. I'll have a go with that when it's merged
Small update on this: hearing some rumours on the problems of demixing TauA, I processed the data through LINC without demixing TauA, and the resulting looks appropriate (left) vs...
Sure, how does one specify this in the config?