Vincent Lussenburg
Vincent Lussenburg
See for PR for this
Released in 0.0.9. Can be closed.
@johnzara I discovered it uses the input source that is currently set as default in the OS, which is sufficient for me.
> Add one or more placeholder paths to StartHandler. If we end up needing them later, we can rename the files to align with those paths. If we don't end...
@gadinaor any ideas before I go to town on it?
@TaniyaVincent Is the workaround sufficient for your use case? Can we close this ticket?
Will take a look during the week! First of all, thanks for the PR. This indeed seems very useful functionality! Initial thoughts: - I don’t really love the `isUser` boolean...
ChatGPT says: Certainly! Here's an example curl request using the GitHub API to verify if a repository is owned by a user or an organization: ``` curl -H "Authorization: Bearer...