Victor Lopes

Results 4 comments of Victor Lopes

Это правильно Basta atualizar a [linha 26]( do smartclientlaunch para carregar uma propriedade a ser criada no arquivo de configuração. O valor default dessa propriedade naturalmente seria smartclient.exe

Broke down into smaller steps - [x] Add `SWAffine` and `SWProjective` - [x] Add `TEAffine` and `TEProjective` - [ ] Add `Pairing` and `PairingOutput` - [ ] Add `CyclotomicField`,...

Upd for future ref: hasher was moved to chiplets

One option to remove the stdlib as dependency of the assembly is to deprecate `use` and create a new token `import`. This new token will consume a given `SourceProvider` and...