Anna Voelker
Anna Voelker
### Discussed in Originally posted by **vlkerag** January 19, 2024 The double hyphen appears to not be working for pnpm >=7 const isNpmStyle = command.startsWith('npm') \|\| command.startsWith('pnpm'); command, //...
## What is the value of this and can you measure success? ## What does this change? ## Screenshots ## Checklist - [ ] Tested locally, and on CODE if...
## What does this change? move from yarn to pnpm, ArtiomTr is preventing a move to a pnpm version >= 7: ## Why? pnpm is faster than yarn ##...
## What does this change? Default consent 11 to false. Note that this will set canTarget to false if only purpose 11 is de-selected which is not currently the case....
## What does this change? ## Why? ## Link to Trello
## What does this change? Adds a wrapper around get/set local/session strorage/cookies. Provides as list of available consent use cases (e.g. 'Targeted Advertising' or 'Essential') that users can specify and...
## What does this change? Move from commonjs to esm ## Why? It's the future and some packages cannot be upgraded without using module ## Link to Trello