
Results 12 comments of vliaskov

Try with current develop and a recent build of gstreamer, gst-plugins-{base, good, bad), gst-libav (e.g. 1.4 version from all repos). I fixed some issues in following commit: https://github.com/mapmapteam/mapmap/commit/835165c89aee93983eec564f1392b1a68f559969 it still...

Example allocating 50%, 25%, 13%, 12% of a region. The 13% and 12% percentages result in sizes that are rounded-down and up respectively. In the end the whole capacity is...

Generally though, the constant rounding-down and final rounding-up leaves unused space in the region, obviously. E.g. trying to allocate namespaces with following percentages: 40%, 30%, 15%, 10%, 5% does leave...

yes that works, Does that mean the problem is somewhere in the lua nodes processing?

This bug looks the same as https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81689 Have you tested on ATI GPUs? I have used apitrace to collect opengl traces of infobeamer samples/hello When replaying the trace, everything works...

This is an issue only with the open source "radeon" driver. Proprietary ATI driver "fglrx" works.

Branch glfw3 works for radeon. It seems that the glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &win_w, &win_h); call (main.c:1561) is needed to correctly initialize framebuffer size with radeon. Commenting that line out results in blank...

On 14.04 glfw3 is indeed missing from default repos. I had to install it from this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~keithw/+archive/ubuntu/glfw3 I had to change Makefile also on 14.04, same way that was...

Sorry for the delay. Thanks for the feedback and for the blog post about performance, it's a very useful read. Perhaps freetype-gl https://github.com/rougier/freetype-gl can be used instead of ftgl so...

I have set the `container` environment variable to `kube` in the builder step of `mlflow-e2e` as a [hack](https://github.com/vliaskov/examples/commit/b6163292f4b66be0c53e421cc27e21549ad02ace) to work around this issue. The kaniko issue needs to be fixed...