This use case is not clear. The camera has not only IP/MAC, but also login/password/path etc. for access to it.
Сомневаюсь, что запись тут уместна (учитывая наличие доступа к архиву). Скорее, скачивание текущего фрагмента можно предложить. Для кадров есть скриншоты. KISS же:)
This link looks broken. GET parameters must be passed like this: /?user=admin&password=... Didn't you forget the question character "?"?
Okay. The Cams app uses the libvlc engine from the VLC app. If VLC can play something, Cams can do the same. So please check your URL in VLC first.
Can you provide more details?
Well, then you can help the project by debugging the client-server exchange. As far as I understand, in your case the client initiates the connection termination. By the way, you...
The Cams app uses the libvlc engine from the VLC app. If VLC can play something, Cams can do the same. So please check your URL in VLC first.
The app doesn't restrict IPv6 access itself. Can you check IPv6 connection via command line VLC first? Also, please note that when using IPv6, specifying the port (:554) in the...
Thank you.
1. LibVLC 4.X is not stable yet, the app can't use it right now. 2. Open source applications do not use third party binaries, otherwise they must include a compiler...