Vladimir Myshkovski

Results 13 comments of Vladimir Myshkovski

@blag , I can not get the region and subregion from the data received from the providers. If it were not for these two components, it would be more or...

> Why not just use a `map` to make a `Set`? What is/are the use(s) of using a separate type? I don't know for sure how `map` is implemented in...

> I was going to suggest the same as the rest did. Using a map solution will be better in terms of performance! Just for reference, here there is a...

> > > > voidptr can be 64bit, int is 32 vbit in V, you can save half the memory for each element. otherwise you can use a simply u8...

@ulises-jeremias What would be a better name for the method of adding elements from an array to a set? For example, in `Python` it is called `update`. I'm thinking about...

@hishnash, Thanks for the answer. In one of my projects, I need the ability to subscribe to a list of model instances, and I'm currently working on `ObserverModelInstancesMixin`, which is...

New version of `piwik` It is called` matomo`. This is how it works. ``` [ 'nuxt-matomo', { matomoUrl: 'http://localhost:80/', siteId: 1, trackerUrl: 'http://localhost:80/matomo.php', scriptUrl: 'http://localhost:80/matomo.js', debug: true } ] ```

I'll do a PR, and attach this Issue to it.

Also, I added a simple interface for Cache, please look PR.

Guys, interesting your opinion about this improvement.