
Results 7 comments of vladimirkovacevic

Thank you for the answer. I assumed that, but how exactly are "pretrained" weights obtained since "pretrain" parameter is passed only to loading of the dataset and not to the...

@KiddoZhu, sorry, your last response does not address my question. So, in the [Pretrained Molecular Representations](https://torchdrug.ai/docs/tutorials/pretrain.html) example, when GIN is instantiated it has random weights, right? As such, it is...

@yuk12 do you plan to implement in near future a failsafe in case the available memory is insufficient? This issue is making bwa-mem2 unstable, and after thorough tests that we...

Hi @milos-ljubinkovic , Firstly, I would separate this into two issues. I understand that its implementation is connected, but from users perspective they seem different. First issue - intermediary files...

@milos-ljubinkovic , @mayacoda, from my experience copy is used very rarely, so I would rather set link as default.

Hi @jonathonl! @ana-stankovic and I are working on wrapping EPACTS tools in CWL to make them available in Data Stage and other Seven Bridges platforms. This issue is one of...

@jonathonl, yes, we'll exclude it for now. Thank you for looking into this.