Vlad Holubiev

Results 21 issues of Vlad Holubiev

I'm using Chromeless to scrape html from websites, and discovered function never returns value if text is too big. I deployed my own serverless project provided in the repo. By...


### Prerequisites - [x] Ensure you have latest version of plugin installed - [x] Search for possible issue duplicates ### Installation details - [x] IDE version: Webstorm 2021.3 - [x]...

Merging provided constructor options with default one using [_.extend](https://github.com/kahmali/meteor-restivus/blob/devel/lib/restivus.coffee#L23) leads to some unexpected behaviour. When I create a constructor and want to provide only `auth.token` (without `auth.user`) [_.extend](https://github.com/kahmali/meteor-restivus/blob/devel/lib/restivus.coffee#L23) will leave...

I noticed that it takes too long to embed many documents, and realized that it's performed sequentially. On my machine, 20 documents take 10s to embed. While with `concurrency: 20`...


Prompt for a token in CLI, write it into config location automatically instead of asking user to add it to `.bashrc`


Because 2nd time you run CLI you have to remember what to skip
