Hi. I'm using `graphql-ppx` to talk to Shopify API and I found the following in my `.bs.js` file: ```js import * as GraphQL_PPX from "@reasonml-community/graphql-ppx/bucklescript/GraphQL_PPX.bs.js"; ``` This means I would...
I just had a situation where it would be useful to read variables passed to a mutation from its `update` function. The official TypeScript definitions state: ```typescript export type MutationUpdaterFunction<...
Hi! First of all, thanks for this beautiful font. I've been using it for a couple of years, without issues. However, with the ReScript language, there's an annoying ligature in...
Hi. First of all, thanks for this elegant library. I'm eager to use it, but I have issues when trying to use it to deal with the following type: ```rescript...