
Results 6 comments of vkingnew

可以只需要stable的,可以节省不少的带宽和磁盘空间。 对外提供的地址是多少啊?

@zhsj clickhouse的镜像什么时候可以投票出来啊? 阿里云已经将此服务商业化了 希望可以早日开通国内的镜像 https://help.aliyun.com/product/144466.html https://developer.aliyun.com/article/739803?spm=a2c6h.12873581.0.dArticle739803.144f7de19GFUEt

> what does it mean by "if i restart gravity it can't synchrone the data"? > we save the binlog gtid in source db, and continues on restart, like the...

> ok I got it. you start the task, add the time column in target db, and the task continues with new column having default value filled by mysql(gravity don't...

>tsbs_generate_data: command not found Guided by thsi wiki,but i don't have commend :tsbs_generate_data,beforce i use command tsbs_generate_data everything go well and there is no error information. https://github.com/timescale/tsbs I Test it...

@XinyuZeng I had not resolve it,as so far i had not run it successfully