Any one can help on this plz ?
LB creation is fine, how to do the external advertise mapping to the LB name for the kafka brokers? @dsindatry
@lyoung-confluent Can you please give insight on this mirror maker?
@Shabahang I configured the parameters which you suggested. i can create new topics but below error is persist. ``` [2022-06-30 15:39:32,046] ERROR [KafkaApi-0] Number of alive brokers '1' does not...
@tobias-neubert did you manage to fix this issue in single broker ?
Can we use TLS to encrypt the connectivity between kafka clients and brokers ? we are having scenario need to expose the kafka server and whitelist the Ip but also...
@haircommander Added the annotation but still getting the same error. How can we prelabel the directory ? added this annoations in the pod `io.kubernetes.cri-o.TrySkipVolumeSELinuxLabel: true` ``` Type Reason Age From...
we are completely disabled the selinux on the worker nodes to avoid this issue.
Hi @nabsul I found it, the imagePullsecrets was added in the default serviceaccount. So when i create a pod or deployment it automatically add this paramenter in the config. Thanks...