Vincent Janelle
Vincent Janelle
FYI - I tried using a normal backup to move from an iphone 5s to an iphone 6+ and it appears my tokens did not make it through the transition....
Hmm, trying this locally with 2.8.2 (slightly forked), and the following test fails ``` > Task :core:integrationTest FAILED kafka.admin.TopicCommandWithAdminClientTest.testDeleteTopicDoesNotRetryThrottlingQuotaExceededException() failed, log available in /Users/vjanelle/git/kafka/core/build/reports/testOutput/kafka.admin.TopicCommandWithAdminClientTest.testDeleteTopicDoesNotRetryThrottlingQuotaExceededException().test.stdout TopicCommandWithAdminClientTest > testDeleteTopicDoesNotRetryThrottlingQuotaExceededException() FAILED Argument(s) are...
@mdedetrich - thank you 🙇
@bep any chance these could be addressed?
@mdedetrich looks like confluent has something in their branch linked to here that would work for the arg matching issue.
at least on OSX, you can certainly run things like the JVM on it.