Agree. Thanks for creating the issue. Would you like to work on this? You can simply run the frontend react application by referring to the instructions mentioned in this [readme...
yes. you can create and include the scss files or if you want you can also [customise the theme](
> Hey Vivek, do you mind if i start working on this? yeah sure. @cool-pants are you working on this? if not I think @Senor-Ducky can start working on this
WOW 😄 looks good to me 👍 . Thanks @mskr I'm looking forward to the further updates 🚀
yes this feature would make organising notes more easier and will greatly improve user experience.
Hey @cengbrecht. Thanks for opening the issue. I'm a bit busy with my other work but I'll for sure take a look at this when I get some free time.
@cengbrecht I don't think the issue is with your setup. I'm not sure how KubeSail deploys the application. I'll have to spend some time digging into it. I'll create a...
@depesr that a nice idea. I'd look into it. I think I can add this functionality. It could take time as I will need build the UI, Backend & Schema...
@tallship yes I agree with you & I'll take this on priority. thanks
@spartan4cs is the repository present in your user account or within the organisation?