With this commit you accidently (I guess) also added the "-N 4" option to the youtube-dl commandline Only there is no such option in youtube-dl and therefore the copied...
> > * Checkbox in den Settings ist ein default. > > * Die Checkbox beim Download, wird mit dem default aus den Settings ausgefüllt und kann einmalig für den...
> Or add a setting to change which directory the backups are stored in. Only this setting exists already…
Nor reproducible here, I can click with the mouse into the field and then I get a prompt and edit the name. I run two versions of Firefox here under...
> Also: This field seems to change its STG version number each time STG is updated. Hence why I get all these different folders after STG has been updated a...
Not reproducible here on Linux. All about: pages and local pages open normal after restarts
Doc and little-fish, which browser and OS are you using? Maybe there is a pattern. For my side, it's like julie said, seeing the groups is the very normal behaviour...
2 very different OS and different browsre versions. to check if it's a FF config setting, I would open FF with a new fresh profile without any altered settings, install...
>Außerdem ist überhaupt nicht gewährleistet, dass die fehlenden Teile in den Segmenten auch tatsächlich integriert werden. Und dass der Sender für solche Tricks Verständnis hat und auf Dauer toleriert, wage...
curl,Germany?1 Weather report: Halle,Germany \ / Sunny .-. 20 °C ― ( ) ― ← 22 km/h `-’ 10 km / \ 0.0 mm ┌─────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤ Wed 01 May...