Vitus Benson

Results 7 issues of Vitus Benson

Edited. I am trying to reproduce this example from the Documentation with the 3D Lorenz example: ```julia using DifferentialEquations, Plots, Random function INPLACE_WHITE_NOISE_DIST(rand_vec,W,dt,rng)#(rand_vec,W,dt,u,p,c,rng) randn!(rng,rand_vec) sqrtabsdt = @fastmath sqrt(abs(dt)) @....

I am changing the issue. It seems to me that "NoiseGrid" and "NoiseFunction from do not work in diffeqpy. MWE: ```python from julia import Main Main.eval( """ using Distributions...

**Describe the bug** I have a very simple 3-dimensional dynamical systems for which I want to find the basins of attraction automatically. It is a combination of double-well potentials in...

good first issue

For some reason the `self.defaults` is not properly set when in manual mode so it can not be pickled. Workaround: Change `self.optimizer.defaults` to `optimizer.defaults` and `self.optimizer.param_groups` to `optimizer.param_groups` and `self.optimizer.state`...

Running `pip install git+` directly installs the Python package without any further manual downloading.

If I set `Movie(..., pixelwidth=2400, pixelheight=800)`, (or another non-standard aspect ratio) then the resulting gif tries to strangely stretch things. It seems easy to fix though :-) See

Hi @jacobbieker , Happy new year!:) I was wondering if you ever measured the performance of your models with this code. Like is it similar to Keisler etc? I saw...
